Digital Service Act
What is Digital Service Act:
The Digital Services Act (DSA), by the European Union, regulates digital services including online marketplaces. Its main goals are to create a secure digital space, protect user rights, impose obligations on online marketplaces to prevent illegal sales, and harmonize digital service rules across the EU.
When DSA entering in effect:
From 17 February 2024, the DSA rules will be applicable to all online platforms, and they have been in effect since August 2023 for major platforms and search engines (VLOPs and VLOSEs) with over 45 million EU users, with enforcement and compliance overseen jointly by the Commission and national authorities, focusing especially on mitigating systemic risks for larger entities.
How can EonShift Help?
We specialize in secure, reliable, and scalable zero trust infrastructure services for content moderators, aimed at preventing data leakage. We offer customized zero trust security measures, including continuous user verification and authorization. We focus on data leakage prevention, provide secure cloud computing infrastructure across jurisdictions, and offer ongoing support and consultation. Our approach is informed by the latest cybersecurity trends and challenges, ensuring your business remains protected against evolving threats.